Elevate Your Wedding Experience with a 24-hour Day-After Preview

Did you know that every wedding package at Gold House Studios includes a complimentary 24-hour sneak peek of your wedding day? Yes, that means that the very next day, you'll have the chance to instantly connect memories with images, reliving a day filled with whirlwind emotions, love, and countless memories that we never want you to forget.

Offering a personalized 24-hour day-after-wedding sneak peek is our way of giving you a glimpse into the magic we create together. Despite a recent wedding guest exclaiming, "Wow! Seriously!? The next day? Isn't that a lot of work?" it's a process we have no plans of changing because there is always just too much celebration and excitement to keep to ourselves.

Let's dive into what this sneak peek includes, featuring 30 images from a delivered gallery the morning after Klayton & Christine's December wedding at Inn on the Twenty. Here's an exclusive look at our favourite images that perfectly encapsulate the essence of their special day.

Cambridge, Ontario Wedding Photographer

Morning Preparations

Romantic Portraits

*featuring their adorable first look*

The First Kiss

*bonus: post-ceremony smooch*

Their Favourite People

A Cutie Individual Shot

Reception Joy

Our Favorite Image

In the whirlwind of a wedding day, the 24-hour day-after wedding sneak peek becomes a cherished gift – a glimpse into the magic we created together. From the morning preparations to the dance floor celebration, these 30 carefully selected images tell the story of your day in a way that is both authentic and artful. It's not just a preview; it's a testament to the joy, love, and beauty that defines your unique love story. Consider this sneak peek not only as a gift to you but as a tool to showcase the magic that awaits future clients when they choose to entrust their special moments to our lens.

And if nothing else it’s the perfect gallery to choose your thank-you card imagery from. So, be excited because we certainly are.


Brooke & Wesley- Tapestry Hall, Cambridge, Ontario